Digital Research & Data Analytics
For Brand
For Agencies

For New Lead 

Digital Research & Data Analytics

Research and Business organizations can take advantage of the cost savings that come with outsourcing their research needs by using research and data analysis services from LikeOn Tech. Time-Consuming effort and specialized skills are required to stay up with the rapid pace of technological change. For this reason, ROP is the go-to offshore partner for companies that want both data management and data analysis services.

Likeon Tech helped You to move on cloud and improved Your overall ROI by 40%

Businesses are not allowed to fall behind in meeting the strict requirements of data analysis procedures and strategies in a Big Data environment. A variety of specialized data analysis services are offered by the company. If you manage your data well, you can maximize profit and minimize risks. There are five major issues that arise frequently when analyzing data i.e… Accuracy, privacy, timing, security, and cost. The data analysis specialists at LikeOn Tech can help you overcome these challenges. You get reliable data analysis services with our data analysis experts

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Integrate | Measure | Augment | Monitor

Brands have to continuously monitor the market and their target customer group to dig deeper into the consumer mindspace and improve their market share. With digital disruption and a highly omnichannel consumer base, the demands from the Customer Experience (CX) and Consumer Insights functions within enterprises are changing drastically. In this new data-heavy landscape, these teams are expected to unify and democratize data. From data integration to data synthesis, from data visualization to high-impact storytelling and CX insights across every imaginable type of data, enterprises are expected to harness data to – (1) Generate impactful insights; (2) Produce real-time or near real-time business intelligence, and (3) Democratize the data insights by quick dissemination within relevant functional teams for agile decision-making.

Likeon Tech understands the relevance of Data to Intelligence (D2I) across the Customer Journey for building and maintaining a Single Source of Truth about your customers. Datamatics stays focused on your business problem and designs the most optimal solution to closely understand, measure, and enhance your customer’s experience, whether it is through its expertise in Data Preparation & Integration, Analytics, Visualization, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning solutions or Process & Digital Consulting.

Likeon Tech leverages its Domain, Data and Digital expertise to augment the data insights from different repositories and siloed sources to bring together highly actionable Connected Data ecosystems. Its core skillsets in Customer Management, Data Science and Customer Analytics, powered by its proprietary tools, such as TruAI and TruBI, and experienced research consultants Datamatics helps you at each step in your CX measurement & enhancement journey.

Data Monetization

  • Augment data and voice of the customer from disparate and siloed sources to build the Connected Data framework
  • Integrate diverse operational, attitudinal, and transactional data sources to create a 360-degree customer view
  • Use data analysis and insights generation to unify, amplify, and monetize data
  • Access multiple variables from different data sets for further analysis at the click of a button

CX Measurement & Implementation

  • Engage support in global operations in the entire Data to Intelligence (D2I) lifecycle by leveraging the latest technology for business insights
  • Build a customized customer experience measurement application that uses internal data analysis, customer feedback collection, and integrates outcomes
  • Implement your customer experience measurement system for systematically measuring customer sentiment through different touch points

Customer Experience (CX) Compliance

  • Identify CX blind spots and place the power of data directly into the hands of every business user in the organization
  • Engage frameworks for data-driven decision-making, plug CX gaps in real-time, and improve responsiveness toward customer requirements
  • Monitor different customer touchpoints by using different methodologies, including surveys, on-camera interviews, and mystery audit/mystery shopping, to improve processes
  • Institutionalize compliance management solutions and systems to monitor the on-ground scenarios at remote stores and contact centers at pre-defined frequencies


Likeon Tech enables you to “Transform to Perform”

Likeon Tech uses its expertise in Research, Analytics, and Technology to enable Market Research agencies to execute projects of varying complexities. It offers end-to-end support across standalone as well as massive integrated projects.

Likeon Tech works with a range of flexible engagement models, including project-led deliveries to high-value joint ventures and strategic partnerships.

Likeon Tech has global partnerships and alliances with leading technology players and has worked with 7 of the world’s ten largest market research organizations.

Research Management

End-to-End project management services for Market Research

Advanced Analytics as a Service

Generate actionable insights powered by Connected Data

RAPID Solutions

Engage the RAPID (Research & Analytics Projects Intelligently Delivered) framework for a truly rapid turnaround of projects in an agile environment

Data Preparation & Integration

Use the data preparation and integration support service for market service projects

Research Technology

Scale up Market Research operations with the help of technology and MIDAS offerings

Strategic Value Services

Engage strategic value-added services that act as an extension arm for Market Research agencies


What is Research & Analytics?
Research & Analytics involves gathering, studying, and understanding the consumer voice and their perception of the product and the brand. Aggregating and unifying the sentiment at scale amplifies the voice of the customer and allows the researcher to generate a report for the management for taking market decisions.
What is a brand?
A brand is a particular product manufactured by a company under a particular name. The word “brand” is interchangeably used to denote the user perception of the product and the company.
What is a research & analytics agency?
A research & analytics agency undertakes a study about the users’ perception of the different products of a particular company and submits actionable insights for market penetration.

Some large companies have in-house research and analytics groups, which engage in periodic research and analysis of the company’s different products or brands.

How is Research & Analytics benefited from data unification and amplification?
Research & Analytics agencies and in-house groups gather the users’ or market perception about a product or products through different modes, such as questionnaires, interviews, video graphs, etc. Aggregating and unifying these inputs over a large section of users, amplifies the voice of the customer across different demographics. This true voice of the customer allows the Research & Analytics agencies and groups to submit a report about the improvements or attenuations in the product specifications to be undertaken for a particular product for increased market penetration.
How does Research & Analytics benefit from data visualization?
Research & Analytics agencies and in-house groups gather a large amount of data while analysing the market perception of a particular product. Technology-enabled data aggregation and data visualization allows the agencies and in-house groups to generate a 360 degree comprehensive conclusion from the research in a shorter period of time as compared to the manual activity.
How does Research & Analytics leverage Advanced Data Modelling?
Research & Analytics agencies and in-house groups leverage different Advanced Data Modelling techniques, such as Diagnostic Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, Descriptive Analytics, and Deep Analytics to provide Advanced Analytics Models and Visualizations. Ready visuals, graphs, and automation solutions allow the agencies and in-house groups to undertake quick analysis and take faster business decisions.