Business Intelligence & Data Visualization
Data Recovery
Data Analysis

Reports / Dashboard

Business Intelligence & Data Visualization

Business intelligence is about the strategies, technologies, tools, and procedures that organizations use to manage their business information. Data can be analyzed and used in an attractive and understandable way through data visualization.


Accurate data is presented in an easy-to-understand way in the best report dashboards. Point-in-time computations don’t give enough context to let the user decide whether the data merits more investigation or falls within a reasonable range of deviation. The user’s context can be quickly understood and the decision-making process can be speeded up.

Data-driven power is provided by LikeOn Tech. Make sure you have the right tools and knowledge to make your data easy to navigate. We can help you understand your data in new ways by designing intuitive dashboards and interactive reporting that allow you to see your data in new ways. We do health checks for already-in-use solutions and offer suggestions for improved reporting and performance.

LikeOn Tech experts have the advanced training needed to implement enterprise-wide data analytic systems. Able to construct for self-service over the organization, actualize full-scale arrangements, and customizations, mechanize reports and perform specialized overhauls and alterations.

For your BI tools, at LikeOn Tech, we provide specialized training and mentorship so that your team has the skills necessary for success and productivity. We make sure you get the most out of your investment in BI tools when combined with a user adoption strategy.


Our BI projects begin with identifying the business need or question. Our data team then begins the process of “discovering” the data, identifying the data sources and data elements needed for the analysis. Data from disparate sources are collated, cleansed, standardized and enriched with data from external sources as needed. This data is then analyzed and reports and/or dashboards that answer the business question are designed. We review these with the business to determine what needs to be operationalized and build a data warehouse/cubes, as well as custom reports/self-service dashboards for the business to consume.


Our solutions are spread over different domains such as retail, supply chain, manufacturing and education, and within these, over different levels such as organizational, regional and departmental.